Doreen Pendgracs is on a quest in search of the best chocolate and chocolate travel experiences around the world. That quest has evolved into the Chocolatour project and brand.
Chocolatour Mission Statement:
The mission of Chocolatour is to educate, entertain, and inspire chocolate lovers to gain greater knowledge of the world of chocolate through travel.
exploring the world of chocolate travel with Chocolatour
Chocolatour began as the name of a chocolate travel book researched, photographed, and penned by author Doreen Pendgracs in 2013. Since then, volume I of Chocolatour: A Quest for the World’s Best Chocolate has been awarded several accolades–including a 2014 Readers’ Favorite Award–encouraging Doreen to continue her research and publish subsequent volumes of Chocolatour.
You can purchase a hardcopy or e-copy of Chocolatour right here on this site and Doreen will personally autograph and mail it to you. You can also find it at selected retailers around the world, although at present, printed copies of volume I are in very short supply.
curating chocolate experiences around the world
Chocolatour has evolved into a personalized brand of hosted chocolate dinners, chocolate and wine pairing events, chocolate tours, and chocolate chats with Doreen as your host. Doreen can introduce you to passionate and innovative people around the world who are creating chocolate masterpieces for all to enjoy. And she can take you on a mind-blowing journey as you explore the world of chocolate travel through carefully curated events and excursions.

But just who is Doreen Pendgracs?
Doreen Pendgracs has been a freelance writer and author since 1993. She has written dozens of articles that have appeared in numerous periodicals and websites including National Geographic Traveler, Westjet magazine, CAA magazine, Groups Today and THOR Travel Advantage. Doreen has co-authored two books: the 1st edition of Frommer’s Newfoundland & Labrador (published by Wiley in 2004) and the Manitoba Book of Everything (a Canadian bestseller published by MacIntyre Purcell in 2008.)
In 2010, Doreen released her first solo effort: “Before You Say Yes …” a guide for anyone volunteering on a non-profit board or committee (published by Dundurn Press of Toronto, Canada.) Chocolatour (volume I) is Doreen’s fourth book project.
Doreen is a member of numerous professional associations including Toastmasters International, The Writers Union of Canada, a Past President of the Professional Writers Association of Canada (now the Canadian Freelance Guild), the International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association, and the North American Travel Journalists Association.
Doreen has been a professional freelance journalist since 1993 and takes great pride in her work. Doreen’s writing is objective, thorough, but deliberately not too technical. Here is a testimonial from a long-time reader:
Chocolatour is open to partnering with companies who appreciate the concept of chocolate travel and would like to be affiliated with Doreen as she continues to encourage chocolate lovers to refine their palates and appreciate all the world of fine chocolate has to offer. Contact Doreen if you would like more information about becoming a sponsor or partner of Chocolatour or if you would like to invite Doreen to your chocolate event or destination. On occasion, Doreen will accept complimentary stays at hotel and resort properties, or travel on various carriers or to various destinations to assist with her ability to continue her research.
But please know: Doreen’s integrity as an objective independent travel journalist will never be compromised as a result of sponsored travel, partnerships, or affiliations. You can be assured that any discussion on this blog and in all of Doreen’s writing is always her own personal opinion offering honest review and reflection–regardless of circumstances.