There is no disputing the fact that my creativity and productivity are strongly connected to the weather. When the sun shines, so does my spirit. When it is raining, dark and cloudy (like it is today) I cannot focus, I find it difficult to write, or to be productive — with respect to anything.
I suspect that the weather did not have such a strong affect on me in the old days when I had a “real job” and was gainfully employed. Most often, I was working in a sterile environment in which there either were no windows or I didn’t pay attention to them because of the otherwise grey and sterile environment in the workplace (beige, grey, perhaps some black) and those unhealthy florescent lights. Plus there was nothing much to look out at. Just more grey downtown sterility.
Since 1993, I have been fortunate enough to be self-employed and working in an environment that I have created. My home office is a writer’s dream. It has beautiful and inspiring art on the walls — as well as a few of the awards I have won — to encourage me in my forward journey.
It has huge windows all around. And one of those old-fashioned screen doors with the large oval screen housed in artfully crafted woodwork reminiscent of any grandma’s farmhouse. My screen door opens onto a small deck off the second floor of our house that looks onto a bird feeder and the perennial garden. There is always some sign of life and the beauty and sounds of nature within reach to fill me with spiritual bliss. That is my view, that you see in the photograph above.
That … and the healing, invigorating, sensual, and inspiring qualities of the sun fodder the creativity within me. The clouds, rain and dark skies prevent the chemistry from taking place.
Until the sun returns and restores the balance, I am in “pause,” rather than in awe or on track.
How does the weather affect you? Are you, like me, and utterly at its mercy ?
I find myself very appreciative of my working situation – both in my home and professional offices.
My home office is cozy as my office is where ever my laptop happens to be. I line the walls in almost every with books that reference and books that I enjoy.
My professional office has windows and daylight. It reflects me. I have photos, reference books, a Shakespeare anthology, and all sorts of knick knacks that remind me of special occasions and accomplishments in my life.
The weather doesn't affect me much. I am not a sun worshiper and find my creativity melts with the heat of the summer. My creativity thrives when the days are cool and comfortable. I am not known to complain about snow storms or the spectacular prairie thunderstorms that accompany the seasons in this country. I believe that my creativity ebbs and flows more with the situations in my life rather the weather.
Sun and heat are not my friends and cool and damp seem to spur my creativity. I have the best of both world in my home and professional offices. Therefore, I feel more appreciation for my creativity and take full advantage of it whether the sun shines or whether Mother Nature graces us with weeks of cloud and damp.
Right on, Gail! We've now had 2 days of sun and I am elated. But I hear there's more rain on the way. It's been tough on the Prairies this year!
Reading your description of how the weather affects you, was almost like looking in a mirror. I too am severely affected by the weather lately. This winter I am going to try a "Litebook" for 20 min a day to see if it can help me "weather" the bad days!
If I have pressing deadlines with lots of work piled on my desk, the weather doesn't even make me blink. But give me a day, like today, where I have some leeway, and the sun will becon me outside or the rain will sometimes leave me feeling drained. Isolation in the winter sometimes feels deadly. Thank goodness for friends and PWAC.
And yes, I too, feel blessed to be self employed and doing what I love to do.
I know what you mean, Kathe. When it's nice out, I want to be out, too. BUT, I find that when it's sunny and sweet, the words sing and just jump off my fingers. So I am much more productive — and can "get out of school" much faster. The job gets done and I still have time to play. But on days like today (when it's just raining and raining) I have absolutely no desire to work.) No sense in even trying, as the words will be flat.
Funny, Doreen – for me it works the other way sometimes. When it's a glorious sunny day I want to be out there, not chained to my desk. So bad weather makes it easier for me to be productive.
I am also extremely light-sensitive. My office is really a niche between the kitchen and the sunroom, so the area is usually flooded by sunlight – in fact, around 4 p.m. it's often so bright I can barely see my computer screen.
Like you, I count my blessings and am grateful for being able to work in a space I have created for myself. And I just made some lemon tarts to take out to friends' for dinner tonight, so the air is perfumed too…
Wishing you good weather and good work,