celebrating the sensual pleasures of chocolate
“If you want to give your Valentine some real pleasure this Valentine’s Day/Week, give her chocolate. Really good chocolate.
It has been scientifically proven that eating chocolate releases endorphins in the body. Endorphins are chemicals in the body that make us feel good and give us an increased sense of pleasure. Those feelings are so strong in some of us that we experience what’s called a chocogasm: a near orgasmic feeling when we smell and taste fine artisanal chocolate, and allow it to slowly melt on our tongues. I think the picture below says it all.

this chocolate lover knows how to savour her chocolate
I was surprised to see that the word “chocogasm” is actually in the Urban Dictionary. The definition shown is:
“eating high quality choclate and experiencing bliss like states of choc-erotic pleasure.”
Some chocolate facts to help you experience a more fulfilling Valentine’s Day/Week:
- Women need chocolate. Resistance is futile as we actually have a biological connection to chocolate. Read “Why Women Need Chocolate” by Debra Waterhouse, M.P.H., R.D. for more.
- Chocolate definitely makes you feel better (it is a mood enhancer and gives us energy) and many consider it to be an aphrodisiac. The presence of endorphins and the fact that chocolate produces dopamine, serotonin, and cannabinoid receptors in our bodies makes it nature’s best tasting “love drug.”
- Chocolate also has performance enhancing abilities. Many bodybuilders use nitric oxide to improve their body’s ability to excel. Dark chocolate contains a significant amount of nitric oxide among its 380 chemical compounds. Prolific lovers such as Casanova regularly consumed chocolate before getting intimate. Try it!
- When surveyed, 52% of women have stated they prefer chocolate to sex. Perhaps combining chocolate with sex will make everybody happy!

This box of filled chocolates from Roselen Chocolatier is truly a work of art.
Any woman would love to receive a beautiful box of chocolate for Valentine’s Day (or any day for that matter.) I’ve seen none more beautiful than these from Roselen Chocolatier of Peru. They are created and hand-painted by Giorgio Demarini Basagoitia and his mother Elena Basagoitia Villavicencio of Lima. You’ll find more about them in this post.
Wishing you a wonderful Valentine’s Day/Week filled with chocolate and love.
My girlfriend and I love chocolates. It’s one of the things we have in common..
Hi Christopher: It’s great when both members of a couple enjoy the appreciation of chocolate together. It makes it just that much more fun! Try feeding one another a delicious chocolate and watch the other person’s face fill with a pleasure-filled smile. 🙂
That is an awesome word. It really does fit how chocolate makes us feel. The fact that chocolate also has performance enhancing abilities is even better. Maybe that’s why I walk so fast… LOL.
Thanks for your comment, Mitchel. Yes, chocolate is definitely one of those things that makes us feel better inside and out. Keep smiling!
I really like chocolates and you really can’t have enough of them.
Thanks for visiting the blog, Janet.
What I’m trying to teach folks on this blog is that you don’t need a lot of good quality chocolate to satisfy you. Instead of eating a lot of chocolate candy (commercially prepared chocolate) try having a single piece of handmade artisanal chocolate. You will see the difference.
It’s not just women who NEED chocolate, men do too! Hence the reason my boyfriend and I keep on hiding our chocolates from each other. I really love your blog.
Glad to hear both you ad your boyfriend are enjoying the chocolate, Arianne. That makes everybody happy. But remember to share – just a little.
I hope you’ve subscribed to the blog. There will many more chocolate journeys and discoveries coming your way. 🙂
I still think that chocolate is a gift from the heavens. I’ve been on a mental rut during the past few weeks, and I’ve found myself comforted with the presence of chocolate. There is nothing wrong in engaging in a little bit of guilty pleasure once in a while.
I absolutely agree with you, Vianney. Chocolate is indeed a gift from heaven. Chocolate always makes you feel better. Enjoy!
What a yummy, chocolaty post indeed 🙂 Chocolates are a wonderful treasure.
I loved this chocolate box, it is so tempting. Sadly, I did not get any box of chocolates this Valentine. So, after seeing this picture and reading through this post, I have decided to buy myself a similar box of chocolates. Thanks for sharing such a treat.
Thanks for your comment, Aayna. There’s nothing wrong with buying yourself chocolates! That way you can get exactly what you like or want to try! I hope you find yourself some good ones.
My favorite time of the year is Feb. 15, when I can buy all the half-off chocolate I want. I gorge on most of it on that day alone. This year, however, my buddy working on personal trainer certification stuff was on my back, so I burned off most of the choco-calories quickly.
Women need chocolates; that’s a given fact. I love chocolates and I can’t live in this world without eating chocolates at least once a week.
Right on, Clara! We chocolate-loving women have got to stick together. You should subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss any of the tasting …
Another chocolates galore article from the woman after my own heart, thanks Doreen. Chocolate is getting really sinful for my sweet tooth, but then again, Valentine’s Day is one special day. And chocolates make it even more special and unforgettable. It’s like getting a hearty dose of happy hormones every time you pop a morsel of the treat to your mouth.
Thanks for your comment, Veronica, and Happy (Belated) Valentine’s Day!
Remember that pure dark chocolate is generally not very sweet at all. So if you have tooth sensitivities, avoid milk chocolate and go for dark chocolate that is at least 70% pure cocoa. Enjoy!
I’m just a sucker for Chocolates and you’re so lucky you got to devour such delicious pieces. Thanks for the share, it’s the closest thing I can come to. My boyfriend’s out of town and I’d have to settle of virtual tokens.
Hi Emilia: Yes, it’s tough when we’re away from our loved one(s) on special days. It will be just that much better when you see him again. And remind him to bring you chocolate from where ever he is!
I agree with you no matter what a woman says you can’t go wrong with a box of chocolates and flowers. It’s the classics! Sadly my man didn’t get that message, I didn’t get my chocolates but I got a pair of lovely stilettos. 🙂
Interesting choice for a Valentine’s Day gift, Kristine! I’ve never heard of shoes as being a romantic gift. But as you’re smiling, I take it you like them!
Thanks for that Doreen!! I will try to get 64% cocoa dark chocolate in Hong Kong next week. You are a star!
Thanks … and you’re welcome, Agness! It’s my job to help people find good chocolate and make them happy. Unfortunately, I’ve not yet been to China, so I can’t recommend a Chinese bar. MAROU chocolate from Vietnam is absolutely excellent, so if you happen to see that anywhere, you will be in heaven. But if all else fails, look for Lindt. It’s usually available in just about every country, and the Lindt Excellence Series of bars is terrific and not expensive. Here in Canada we can buy them at 2 for $5. A real deal! Happy hunting. 🙂
I’m a huge chocolate lover, but recently the level of my blood sugar was above the average, I felt tired and depressed, had mood swings and I was advised to replace chocolate with some fruits. I used to eat a box of chocolate every day, have chocolate bars for my snacks and drank a lot of hot chocolate when I was blogging. Needed to say goodbye to chocolate for some time :(.
Agness, the answer is to replace QUANTITY with QUALITY. All you need is one square or piece of good artisanal chocolate to satisfy a chocolate craving. Substitute a bunch of sugar-laden chocolate candy for healthy pure, dark chocolate. Start out with 64%, build up to a bar of 70% cocoa solids. You will feel content and blissful, and you won’t be hurting your figure, skin, or teeth.
Wow, the box of Roselen Chocolatier is truly a work of art!! My mouth’s watering right now. It’s been my 48th day without a chocolate :)!
OMG, Agness! 48 days without chocolate? WHY???????
I didn’t get any chocolates this Valentines, but I did get a compilation of Pablo Neruda poems. How I wished I could sink my teeth in such delicious slabs of heaven.
Thanks for your comment, Donna, and for visiting the blog. I think it’s your first visit, and I thank you for sharing your story.
Poetry is nice, but it ain’t chocolate! Be sure to let your partner/admirer know that flowers, poetry, perfume, and other lovely things are welcome as an addition to the chocolate offering!
Actually had a business meeting on Valentine’s day and he gave me a box of chocolates. In the shop they asked him if he wanted the box in the shape of a heart. We laughed about it since naturally he declined.
Cute anecdote, Catarina.
That was very kind, sweet, and thoughtful of your client to give you chocolates on Valentine’s Day. Chocolate is something that puts a smile on our faces — under pretty well any circumstances!
Ah, chocolate and Valentine’s Day and sex. I had a lover many years ago who was a chocolateur and no matter how many times he scrubbed his hands they always smelled of chocolate to me. Probably more information than you wanted! I guess it shows you how much my life has changed that I now have a magnet on my fridge that says “Behind Every Successful Woman is a Cat and a Fridge Full of Chocolate”. I think I need to return to that earlier version of me! And of course Fridge – choclates, not really good but the magnet was cute because of my cat. I also used to help my ex make the chocolates so chocolate has always played a large role in my life.
Thanks for sharing that story, Susan! Yes, chocolate really does have a strong smell. They are working on a mosquito repellent that is chocolate scented, as evidently the blood suckers don’t care for the smell of chocolate!
But I love it! I remember walking into the shop of Paul A. Young in Camden Passage, London, and being bowled over by the fresh of fresh chocolate. You know the chocolate is REALLY fresh when it has that much of an aroma!
I always tell people to take the time and smell the chocolate before they taste it. It really enhances the tasting experience. Not sure about sleeping with that smell, though!
I agree completely about smelling the chocolate before tasting it. Fascinating about the mosquito aspect. I had no idea. Giving choclates. I believe in China or Japan (cannot remember which) the women give the men chocolates. I seem to remember that when I was at school with a number of Asians some years ago but maybe I am remembering it wrong.
Very interesting about the Asian custom, Susan. I’ll have to look that up.
Did you know that eating chocolate actually helps men’s virility and stamina? So if the woman is giving the man chocolate, it looks like she’s inviting him to perform! 🙂
Chocolate or sex… yeah it can be a toss-up sometimes! Just joking… 😉 There really is something quite sensual about chocolate. It’s hard to believe that research needs to verify that eating it releases endorphins. I have a red wine with chocolate ritual that, when I miss it, just makes that part of the week feel different. Much the same way my day doesn’t go the same unless I get at least 20 min just to chill and enjoy a big cup of coffee. The rituals surrounding food are often as fascinating at the food itself.
Cool observation, Jeri. You should write a blog or article on that topic. Thx for dropping by.
Hi Doreen,
What a great subject idea for a post today! I gotta say, nothing beats a good “choco-gasm” especially during sex! 😉
Right on, Esther! Enjoy!
Good thing I have plans to go see a movie tonight with a friend or else I would definitely just sit around and stuff my face with chocolate! Good to know that women actually do need it though- it really is happiness-enducing. 🙂
Hi Kelly: Thanks for joining the conversation!
Chocolate is definitely a friend who is always there for us. Have fun tonight!
Hi Doreen and thanks very much for sharing my chocolate info to your friends and followers! Really a nice post!Chocolate is a must in this festive day also in Lima-Perú.
Happy Valentine’s day to all!
Giorgio Demarini.
Hi Giorgio and thanks for stopping by the blog!
Meeting you and your mother last year in Lima and eating your delicious chocolates was truly a highlight of my year. Thanks for creating such beautiful chocolates. And Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too!
Well I never knew that chocolate released endorphins! That explains something then. I knew it had caffeine in it, but this puts a whole different spin on things. It’s been great for me to be able to eat a little chocolate now and again after 15+ years of not being able to(digestive probs.) Now I remember why I liked it so much. Thanks for the post 🙂
Hi A.K. and thanks for sharing.
Wow! 15 years without chocolate would seem like an eternity. For anyone with digestive issues, eating “raw” chocolate would be recommended as it hasn’t been processed and possesses all the super powers of cacao. Glad you’re now able to indulge. 🙂
That is an awesome word. It really does fit how chocolate makes us feel. The fact that chocolate also has performance enhancing abilities is even better. Maybe that’s why I walk so fast… LOL.
I would love a box of really good artisan chocolate for Valentine’s Day. I think I’ll put a request to my sweetie for one.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Susan.
Yes, in my books, absolutely nothing beats a fine box of chocolates. Unless of course … it comes accompanied by a fine bottle of wine. Enjoy!
I SO love that term! The fact that women ‘need’ chocolate makes my habit much more acceptable. LOL 🙂 Perfect timing for Valentines Day.
Hi Cheryl and Happy V Day to you, too!
Yes, I really was thrilled when I came across the book by Dr. Waterhouse. I have a really full chapter on women’s connection to chocolate in my upcoming book so stay tuned!
I’m sitting here nodding my head, Doreen, since of course I agree with all of the above. The JPG refused to open for me – could you check the link?
Happy V Day!
Hi Kathe. Happy Valentine’s Day and thanks for taking the time to comment.
I’ve fixed the link to the 2nd pic now. I tried taking a shortcut — which hadn’t worked! Enjoy!
Interesting article! I like the word too “choco-gasm”!
Thanks for being the 1st to drop in and comment, Cathy! I hope you have a marvellous Valentine’s Day — your 1st one as a married woman! may it include lots of love, laughs, and fine chocolate.