take heed and listen to the signs

It’s been an interesting week. I’ve had to take a step back from the vortex that life can become and reassess the commitments I have made as I was becoming overwhelmed. What’s even more interesting, is that I was not alone. Several others friends and colleagues have found themselves in the same position.

Is there something in the air? Are we getting too good at saying yes and not good enough at saying no?


Sometimes you need a little help in order to hear the signs of stress.

tinnitus can certainly impede your sleep

I think it’s really important to take heed and listen to our bodies. They tell us things by emitting signs we can no longer ignore. They make us take a time out and reassess what is most important to us. They make us take better care of ourselves.

Quite some time ago, I began to notice a slight buzzing sound when I was laying in the silence at night. At first, I thought it was the sound of the fridge’s generator, as our bedroom is off the kitchen. But the sound seemed like it was coming from behind me and not outside the room. What could it be?

I ignored it for the past couple of months and slowly began to realize that the sound was coming from within my head! A quick internet search told me I have tinnitus. As the major cause of tinnitus may be a build-up of wax in the ear(s), I made an appointment with my doctor to have my ears checked. No problems. They are clean and unobstructed.

The next step is to have a hearing evaluation done at a local hearing centre. That showed that I have a very minor hearing impairment. Not enough to need hearing aids, but enough to possibly have caused the tinnitus.

As it is thought that stress may also be a cause of tinnitus, I’ve lightened my load and eliminated stressors wherever I can.

Are you familiar with tinnitus? Have you experienced it yourself? I’m hoping that a ray of sunshine will soon shine upon me, and restore that beautiful sound of silence that I once knew.


But when I do have trouble sleeping, I find that using my Sleep Phones is great. They block out unwanted sounds, including the ear buzzing you get from tinnitus.


Doreen Pendgracs

Known throughout the Web as the "Wizard of Words", I've been a freelance writer since 1993. I researched and wrote Volume I of Chocolatour that won a Readers' favourite Award in 2014. Always enjoy experiencing new destinations and flavours.

84 Responses

  1. DAVID says:

    Thanks for your awesome article regarding hearing loss and tinnitus. It is really helpful information for us. You should continue posting this kind of enlightening article. I will wait for more articles like this on your site, Doreen. Thanks.

  2. Brittney says:

    I had no idea that there are so many of us out there that are suffering from this. I appreciate the fact that you guys spoke up and shared. Thanks for the great post 🙂

  3. Hari says:

    Great post dear! You really posted a great article and it will help all the person. Who are wanting help form someone. Your information is very helpful.
    Thanks for writing these type of article.

  4. You are also worrying about whether you’ve permanently damaged your cochlea. The truth is, if you have a sensorineural hearing loss at any frequency, then your cochlea is damaged at that point. What has happened is that some hair cells have died so you no longer hear the sounds that were governed by those hair cells. That is one reason for the clogged feeling. It should go away in time as your brain gets used to the new reality—but just because the clogged feeling goes away doesn’t mean that your hearing has returned—it’s just that your brain has accepted the new “normal”.

  5. Kelly says:

    It is so easy to overlook the needs of our body when we are so caught up with our daily activities and hectic schedules. It’s a good thing it knows how to complain when we show no signs of slowing down. Just take it slow Doreen and take plenty of rest. =)

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks, Kelly. I wish I could rest! But I’m in the midst of my crowdfunding campaign right now and will have to get my book finished and published. It will be a long while before I can get a good, long rest. But it’s nice having you along with us here. 🙂

  6. Lee says:

    Hi Doreen
    I am sure that I read that tinnitus even though you here it in your ears there is actually no noise there at all. I had it for a while after an ear infection which I couldn’t understand if there actually was no noise what was causing it. It cleared after a couple of months. Hopefully yours will do the same.

    Thanks lee

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks, Lee. It’s encouraging to know that it may just go away on its own as it is indeed driving me crazy. Cheers, and thanks again for dropping by and sharing your thoughts.

  7. Calra says:

    It’s surprising to read a lot of comments from people who have tinnitus themselves. I didn’t realize it is that common. Now I’m getting a bit paranoid as I have been ignoring similar signs. I guess it’s about time I head to our family doctor and have that long overdue check up. Thanks for sharing this Doreen. And I wish you well too.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks, Calra.

      Yes, I, too, was shocked at the number of people who suffer from tinnitus. It’s still bothering me, but I’m learning to cope.

      If you have signals that your body is sending out, don’t ignore them! Do indeed head to your doctor.

  8. Stacey says:

    Stress is really the culprit for so many unwanted diseases. Though it’s absolutely impossible to be totally stress-free, it is really up to us to find ways how to deal with the stressful situations properly. And once it has reached the point when we experience serious complications, it is a signal to take things slow and give our body the rest it deserves.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks for your comment, Stacey. I think the hard part is taking that step back once we realize that we are indeed over-stressed.

  9. Joy says:

    Very true Doreen, we must all learn how to listen to our body and watch out for the signs. Many diseases would have been prevented if people did not choose to ignore certain signs that indicate the need to “slow down”. I am not familiar with tinnitus but my friends told me there are numerous treatments available.

  10. Bruce Wilson says:

    I have it too, Doreen. Got it after a nasty inner ear infection. It can also be caused by some medications, like aspirin. Seems to be more active after exercise and quiets down when I’m relaxed.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      OMG, Bruce! I can’t believe how many people have tinnitus? Mine has definitely gotten louder over the past couple of weeks, but my life is so busy/hectic with trying to get my book written, help with the design concept, learn more about independent publishing and get my Indiegogo crowdfunding off the ground that I don’t think my mind has noticed that I’ve lightened my load in other ways. Here’s hoping that spring will bring hope for both of us! Thanks for dropping by the blog. 🙂

      • Bruce Wilson says:

        Listen to your body; if it’s telling you you’re overdoing it, respond appropriately. I learned the hard way. That said, good luck with your book and crowdfunding!

  11. I truly appreciate author for selecting tinnitus for specific discussion. There are lot of people suffering from that common ailment and to inspire them and their families, this post information is quite inspiring. I really like the post and wanted to thanks every commentators for sharing their painful and helpful experience. Thanks.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks so much for your comment, Terry.

      Yes, I was really surprised at how many people suffer from (or have family members who suffer from) tinnitus. I’m sure hoping I will be like some here, and that mine will just disappear (soon!) on its own.

  12. WizardOfWords says:

    Just wanted to let everyone know who was interested about my diagnosis at the audiologist. After going thru 45 minutes worth of tests, it was determined that I have a very minor amount of hearing loss, and in his expert opinion, this was not sufficient to have caused the tinnitus, but I will be retested in a year.

    Will work on keeping my stress levels at a minimum, as stress is indeed a major cause of tinnitus. Take care all, and thanks again for engaging in this fascinating discussion. I had no idea that 70% of people over the age of 50 have or will experience tinnitus at some point in their lives.

  13. Fatima says:

    I have heard how painful and irritating tinnitus can be. Yes, we really take our health very lightly and ignore the minor cramps, aches etc to be of no considerable importance. I pray your husband recovers soon.

  14. Doreen, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re experiencing this disturbing ailment. Did you know that Barbra Streisand, of all people, experienced tinnitus as a child? She used to wrap her head in a towel to try and stop the buzzing! It may have contributed to her incredible musical abilities. Hopefully your audiologist will have some good news and more importantly, some relief for you!

  15. Aayna says:

    Hi Doreen,
    Frankly speaking, I never even came across this term tinnitus before in life. The ailment is quite new to me. I completely agree with you on the part that we should take a proper care of our body, and listen to the vital signs it give on the onset of any ailment. It is always bad to ignore such warning signals. Thanks for the share.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Hi Aayna, and thanks for joining the conversation. I hadn’t really known much about tinnitus either, before I got this buzzing in my ears. I’d heard the term “ringing in your ears” but didn’t realize that there were various sounds and symptoms that fall under the term tinnitus. Too bad that sometimes, one has to learn from personal experience!

  16. Doreen — Sorry about your tinnitus. I’ve had it for many years, but it is mild. I sleep with a white noise machine which is extremely helpful. Also, a bad episode can be triggered by a loud noise, like a shotgun, and being subjected to loud noise for a period of time. For example, a cousin’s son is a rock and roll singer. I went to one of his concerts and I had terrible ringing in my ears for several hours afterward. So try to avoid prolonged loud noise. I actually use ear plugs now when I attend his concerts. I believe that how you handle tinnitus is key. I simply have screened it out. I’m honestly not aware of it until engaging in a conversation like this one. Then all of a sudden I notice it! So your own attitude is paramount. Just tell yourself to ignore it and move on with your life.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks for this, Jeannette. I am definitely thinking of getting the white noise machine, as several people have now recommended it. We’ll see what the audiologist suggest when I visit him on Friday. Hope I can make it until then, as it really is disrupting my sleep!

      • Doreen — you will love the white noise machine. My late husband didn’t have tinnitus but over the years he came to love it, too. Eventually, you won’t be able to sleep without it! The noise is soothing, blocks out the tinnitus and provides your own little coccoon.

  17. I’ve been asked to post this comment from Marijke, who has had trouble posting due to a javascript issue:

    I’ve not yet read the other responses to your post, but it is interesting that there may be a connection between tinnitus and stress. I have experienced tinnitus from time to time, but never for an extended period and it’s a high pitched sound for me. I actually have it right now and didn’t notice it earlier in the day.

    I don’t have a typical hearing loss, but I do have problems hearing speech if I can’t see the speaker or if there is too much ambient noise around. I can’t decipher the sounds, it seems.

    I do have an amusing audiology story though because there are times when I seem to not be able to hear certain sounds. I went for a hearing test many years ago and was doing ok. At one point, I was waiting to be told what to do next when, all of a sudden, the audiologist appeared in the window, gesturing to me. I went outside the booth and she demanded to know why I wasn’t pressing any buttons. I told her I didn’t know I was supposed to. She replied that she had told me to and why didn’t I let her know that I didn’t hear her. Uh. That was why I was there….

    Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN
    Blog: Marijke: Nurse Turned Writer

  18. I have suffered from this ailment in the past, went to the doctor, and did not have any luck with what he told me to do. Mine ended up going away by itself. However, it was very annoying to experience. It has been a few years since I have had it. Thankfully it has not returned. I hope yours goes away soon. Try not to let it drive you crazy!

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Welcome to the blog, Lorraine, and thanks for your comment.

      It’s good to know the tinnitus will/may go away on its own as it is driving me crazy. Definitely getting louder. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that this was just a warning and will go away in short order.

  19. KellyWade says:

    Oh no, that sounds like it would be really irritating- especially when trying to go to sleep at night. Not saying that I hope its because of stress, but rather that which you can control than something worse.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Hi Kelly and thanks for your comment.

      Yes, I’m hoping that my efforts toward stress reduction will produce favourable results. I’m also hoping that the audiologist may have some insights and solutions to share. Will keep you all posted.

  20. Darrell Noakes says:

    Doreen, since the onset of your tinnitus is fairly recent, there is treatment that may work, especially if the cause relates to a noisy environment. The treatment involves exposure to sound, whether “white noise” or music or some other stimulus, but with the particular frequencies of the patient’s tinnitus removed. For example, if your tinnitus manifests as a ringing at, say, 15 kHz, then that is the frequency that would be filtered out. Researches hypothesize that the brain “fills in” the missing frequency while listening to real sound, then when the physical sound (music or whatever) stops, the brain cuts that frequency too when the sound ends. The research is fairly recent, so not all doctors may be aware of it. The treatment appears to work only during early stages of tinnitus, when the brain has not yet become accustomed to the presence of the phantom sounds of tinnitus.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks so much for that, Darrell! What great info to know.

      Will keep you all posted as to what happens at the audiologist laster this week.

  21. WizardOfWords says:

    I rec’d this message from Heather Kent, who had difficulty posting her comment to the blog:

    Hi Doreen,
    I went to a specialist a few years ago and through an audiology exam, discovered that I had 30% bilateral hearing loss. But only the tinnitus indicated that to me. Funnily enough, while de-cluttering recently, I came across a medical report from 23 years ago when we were living in Jakarta, which mentioned hearing loss then. But it hadn’t affected my life all this time. I also had no family history.

    My specialist said that I was doing remarkably well, because he had some patients who were already using hearing aids with a 30% loss and he predicted that my continuing loss would be very gradual which it has been. Because here’s the thing: nobody knows what causes tinnitus so individuals vary hugely in what triggers it and how they deal with it. So the key is to discover what triggers it in you and find strategies that work for you. Certainly, I think stress and fatigue are the enemies. I have been able to greatly reduce and sometimes eliminate mine when I am most relaxed, like on holiday or when meditating. When it is present, I can shut it out.

    So far, it really hasn’t affected my day to day life; I don’t have to have the TV or radio turned up loudly like my 89 year old mother (who has only become a bit hard of hearing in recent years). Very occasionally, I miss a word if I am talking to someone who speaks very quickly or quietly.

    So if I were you, I would work on identifying what brings on the tinnitus and reducing those things. Take control of it just as you would in other areas of your life!
    Good luck,
    Heather Kent
    Healthcare and Corporate Environmental Writer

  22. Really hope you find a way of sorting it out Doreen. Glad you are taking a step back to make sure stress is not causing it.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks, Catarina. Stepping back can be one of the hardest things to do, as sometimes we feel we may be letting others dow or not full applying ourselves. But one of my colleagues said it best: “When you don’t feel the passion and really want to apply yourself, you know it’s time to move on.”

  23. Linda says:

    I’ve no experience with tinnitus, but I’ve also heard that it can be related to stress. Our bodies respond to stress in such myriad ways, and so often we try to bull through, creating even more stress.

    Good luck with the hearing evaluation and also with rearranging your life and jettisoning some stressors.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks so much, Linda. I think I’m back on track now and refocused on the things that are most important to me in the now.

      Off to meet with my printer and attend a self-publishing workshop today. Two more steps to making my chocolate book a reality. 🙂

  24. Hello Doreen,

    I had tinnitus for a while until I realized that the cause was very simple.

    The ringing tended to be really bad when I was angry at people for saying nasty things about me (at the time, I was going through bullying at my old workplace).

    I did a bit of research and discovered that the ringing was there to literally “cover” the words I didn’t want to hear.

    I decided to let some people know that I had found their words hurtful and that I would not accept to be treated that way again.

    The ringing was gone within 12 hours.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Very interesting, Cendrine. I do think that my tinnitus may be connected to a similar situation. I have had some stressful dealings with an individual. Although I cannot remove myself from the situation entirely at this point in time, I have taken action to do so in the near future. Thanks for joining the conversation.

  25. Hi Doreen,
    I suffer from it too and I have some hearing loss in one ear. Not bad enough for a hearing aid though. After having a few MRIs they could see no reason for it but had one of those tests where they put the water in your ears only to discover I do have a balance issue. I block out the buzzing most of the time, but can really notice it when it is quiet. The weirdest sensation is when I have a shift in frequency of the buzzing. It feels like my whole head does a shift.

    My husband also suffers from it but it is more prominent because he had a genetic disorder that caused his. He had an operation to correct his but he unfortunately was in the 1% that it didn’t work on. He was home for a whole month unable to work due to severe vertigo after the surgery, couldn’t drive and taking a bath made him seasick. One month after the surgery he woke up with one side of face drooping and numb. He now had Bells Palsy. This eventually went away so did the vertigo. His hearing never improved and the ringing in is ears is still there.
    You are not alone Doreen and neither one of us is considering suicide just yet. I think we may be many in numbers.


    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks for your comment, Denise. Wow! Both you and your husband? I can’t believe how many people I know with this condition! I’m so glad I wrote this post. I had no idea it was such a common disorder. It’s nice we have forums like this to share tips and support.

  26. Sorry to hear that this is happening but just want to applaud you for *listening* to your body. Too many times we write off what might be happening and why.

    I hope that you are able to find a treatment that works for you!
    Take care,


  27. Hi Doreen,
    I have had tinnitus for several years now and wrote about it in More magazine: http://janelangille.com/pardon-me-how-spin-class-led-to-tinnitus/. Mine is not that loud, thankfully, but it’s enough to be bothersome. Likely from noise induced hearing loss, as the rest checked out just fine (not wax, MRI showed no structural issues). O

    I am actually working on a current assignment for Canadian Health magazine on the topic for the September issue, covering current treatment alternatives (tinnitus retraining therapy, white noise, stress relief etc) and new options for relief. If anyone is interested in being a source for the story, I am looking for someone who suffers from tinnitus who is in the 35-55 ish age bracket to tie with the target readership. Please email me at Jane (dot) Langille (at) gmail (dot) com, I would be happy to chat with you.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks so much for your helpful comment, Jane, and for providing the link to your article. It was great. Great idea to carry earplugs with you — always.

  28. Glad you are taking a step back Doreen as your health is so important. My cousin has had tinnitus for about 20 years and stemmed back to him playing in a band. He is still in the music business and has learned to cope with it. He also uses a machine in his bedroom. Take care.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks for the comment, Susan.

      Yes, I fear that many musicians must have it. Imagine being subjected to such loud music on a regular basis!

  29. Jeri says:

    I’ve not experienced this, but my dad has all sorts of hearing issues from years of working underground as a hardrock miner. Hopefully, you will be able to find relief soon.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks, Jeri. Yes, the doctor had asked me if I’d ever worked in a noisy environment. But no, there is no obvious cause in my case. I’m hoping that lightening my stress load will have an impact over time.

      • Darrell Noakes says:

        Sounds like you’ve talked to your doctor about it, then. It’s important to rule out things like high blood pressure or other medical causes.

        Noise varies. I’m pretty sure that using a shop-vac in a light industrial environment for eight months really damaged my hearing (that’s the sound now stuck permanently in my head). As soon as I realized what was happening, I started using industrial hearing protection, but by then it was too late. All I could do was minimize further damage. I even use protection around the house now (vacuuming and such). Even so, lower intensity sounds considered normal in an office environment cause damage, too. Sitting at a computer all day is surprisingly noisy. Adding in the constant hum of the humidifier behind me likely doesn’t help. Then there’s the office ventilation system. Fans, fans whining everywhere, all day long. Probably well below 80 dB, but it’s constant and you can’t tell me that doesn’t take a toll over the years. So, in short, you may well have worked in a noisy environment, possibly even over a prolonged period, without realizing it.

  30. Hi Doreen. My father has had tinnitus for years and I know two other men who have it. From what I heard from them, it can drive you crazy in the beginning but then you find a way to adapt. I don’t know much about effective treatments but I have seen natural supplements targeting this condition that might be worth exploring.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks for sharing, Sharon. Yes, it sounds like one develops their own way to cope with the condition. Right now, I’m just hanging on, waiting for the hearing test. But if they can’t help me, I may get one of those sound machines that Sherryl spoke of.

  31. Wow! I have never heard of tinnitus and I am sorry that you are suffering from it. I can’t even imagine laying awake at night and listening to buzzing. I appreciate you sharing your story with us however because I am now more aware about issues I could be having that I otherwise would have ignored.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Hi Mary: Yes, I’d never heard of it before either. I believe I’d heard the word and had an idea of what it was, but it wasn’t until I did the google search that I learned just how many factors can cause it, and that it is very difficult to treat.

  32. Darrell Noakes says:

    Yup. Like a fire alarm next to my head, all day, every day. Stressors? Of course, in our society, we think of “stress” as exclusively psychological. But stress is also physical. In my case, the likely culprit was exposure to sounds, specifically high-pitched sounds over 80 dB. How to measure that, without specialized technology. The simple rule of thumb is that if you have to yell to be heard, it’s too loud: lawn mower, vacuum cleaner, blender or mixer – the “normal” sounds of the household. But also the constant din of air conditioner, humidifier, computer fans (much louder than you think, especially older computers). Protect your hearing now, kids, or else learn to live with tinnitus later. It creeps up on you. I only realized the damage was done when I couldn’t hear the phone ring any more (because the frequency matches the ringing in my ears). Music helps (I go to sleep with the radio on every night). Still, it’s tiring, fatiguing. Frequent breaks help.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks so much for sharing your story, Darrell. I am so shocked at how many people have tinnitus!

      It is indeed tiring, as the only time I get a good night’s sleep anymore is if I take a sleeping pill. (I’m mainly just taking a mild herbal supplement, but every once in awhile I take one of the stronger ones just to keep me going.

      • Darrell Noakes says:

        Sleeping pills might be overkill. Recent research indicates that tinnitus may respond to melatonin, a natural hormone that helps us sleep. The body produces about 3mg of melatonin to help us feel sleepy at bedtime, although this can change seasonally or when our sleep patterns are disrupted. A standard, over-the-counter, dose is 3mg. So, you might try using melatonin shortly before going to bed on those nights when the tinnitus is especially bothersome. In the study, patients reported better sleep and less severe tinnitus after taking melatonin. I find that it helps.

        • WizardOfWords says:

          Thanks for the tip, Darrell! Glad to hear the melatonin helps. (By the way, the sleeping pills I was mentioning are just mild ones. Not the heavy duty.) 🙂

  33. Hi Doreen,
    Yep, know all about tinnitus — have had it for many years. Back in my late twenties, I had Meniere’s Syndrome, an inner ear imbalance that was causing episodes of dizziness. The dizziness as long ago disappeared, but one of the lingering effects has been the tinnitus. It is there 24/7 but I don’t notice it unless I think about it, or it comes up in conversation or reading.
    The ringing is like the background sound of the long-gone TV test patterns…that funny high-pitched hum-buzz.. As I get older, I do notice that the tinnitus has got louder a bit, but I guess I’m so used to the sound, that on a day-to-day basis, I don’t notice it.
    Tinnitus has some good company! Apparently Barbara Streisland and Eric Clapton have it, as do quite a few well-known personalities.
    If you think about the tinnitus, it can really bother you. I choose to simply go on with life and block it out of my thinking. That’s worked for me for years.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks for the encouragement, Elle, and for sharing your story.

      Yes, the doctor had asked me if I was experiencing any dizziness and I said no.

      It is indeed a hum-buzz. Interesting way to describe it. Thanks for helping me know that it can indeed be mind over matter as a way of coping.

  34. I am sorry you are suffering from this Doreen. I had it sporadically (very, thankfully) for a couple of years some years ago but it did go away. The relentlessness of it is what I remember was crazy-making.

    However, the more important part of your message is that we don’t listen to our bodies. I took on much too much for many, many years, writing and running my own bookkeeping business. I was constantly helping other people. My body kept trying to tell me as it came up with one major illness or surgery after another. I just would deal with the immediate part of it and move on, eyes forward. Finally my body said enough and whacked me over the head hard enough to listen. I got an illness four and a half years ago that left me unable to sit for more than an hour a day and had to basically lie down all day (try writing and bookkeeping lying on your back – yes, I managed but…), and in so much pain I ended up on morphine. I can now sit for five hours a day when I have to so things are better. I finally listened but it may be too late (I pray every day it is not.) More to say but the main thing here is that if you do find a solution (and I hope you do), PLEASE don’t forget this episode. We MUST listen to our bodies. They actually project every single thing we have ever gone through in our lives through them. They are smart and if we don’t listen, their message will keep getting louder and louder. I have finally learned the hardest way possible and am really good at pacing myself but I am left with the ramifications of my stubborness and refusal to listen. Take care of yourself.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks SO much for that message, Susan.

      What made me really step back and take note (besides the progressively louder buzzing in my ear) was a colleague who stepped down from a volunteer position because she’s had a major health issue happen to her recently. It really made me realize it could happen to me (or anyone!) and I totally respect her for the difficult decision she made. Your story reinforces that.

  35. I think life has a way of getting out of control. It feels like you’re going down hill on a train without breaks at times. I understand how you feel my friend. I haven’t had tinnitus but I have had some problems that point to being overworked. I have no one to blame buy myself. I hope you’re able to correct the problem and start to feel back in control very soon.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks so much, Susan. And isn’t it true that those near and dear to us are the first ones to see signs of our being overworked/over-engaged? My husband has been telling me for awhile now that I’ve taken on too many major projects at one time. I’m now realizing he was right.

  36. I’m sorry to hear that you’re suffering from tinnitus Doreen. My husband has it really bad in one ear. His problem stems from working around diesel engines and loud noises and worsened after an infection. (He says it sounds like a constant train whistle at best.) My only suggestion is to invest in a sound machine for your bedroom. The white noise does mask it somewhat and should help you get a good night’s sleep. Take care of yourself.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Hi Sherryl, and thanks for the good wishes.

      Yes, my doctor had asked me if I’d been subjected to any loud noise on a prolonged basis, or whether I frequently use earbuds to have music playing loudly in my ears. I said no to both. But this now makes me wonder about the younger generation, and whether they will begin to experience hearing related problems as they have something in their ears practically all the time!

      I will look into the sound machine you mention if the hearing specialist cannot find a solution to my problem.

      • Our 15 year old neighbor has tinnitus. I’m afraid this generation is headed down that path. I bought the HoMedics sound machine on sale for under $30 and my husband is happy with it. I’d be interested in hearing from you if you find anything that works. The specialist that my husband went to told him that there’s nothing that can be done for him but that some people get used to it and it comes and goes for some. You may be one of the lucky ones.

        • WizardOfWords says:

          Fingers crossed that I am indeed one of the lucky ones! Thx for the name of the sound machine, Sherryl. I shall look into it if I cannot find another solution.

  37. Jon Jefferson says:

    I have had horrible hearing for quite a few years. Though I don’t pick up everything around me, I would not want to go through the annoyance of unexplained noises. Hopefully they figure it all out for you.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks, Jon. Yes, it’s totally aggravating to have this buzzing sound going non-stop in my left ear. At first, I could only hear it when it was completely silent. I now hear it at all times unless I’m in a noisy room.

  38. Llinda Strange says:

    Had a very short, mild form of this for a couple of months post-surgery. It cleared up. Have a couple of friends greatly affected for many years by severe forms. It takes a lot of personal investigation to learn what is causing yours & to work around it. Hope yours abates very soon.
    Much love

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks, Linda. I can now understand why some people are driven to suicide because of it! But at least nowadays, we have options, like the sound machine that Sherryl mentions, and even just playing quiet nature sounds in my ears while trying to sleep. I’m looking forward to finding out what’s causing it, but at least we’re eliminating some things as we go.

  39. A.K.Andrew says:

    Sorry to hear you have tinnutis Doreen. I developed it about 10 yrs or so ago. It’s better and worse at different times, but I did find that once I started wearing hearing aids, it actually improved it. So if you find your hearing is not quite as sharp as it might be I would recommend getting them sooner than later.
    Being engrossed in a project helps , or as Christine said, listening to the radio.
    But we do need to listen to our bodies. They don’t just tell us, they yell very loudly.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Wow! I’m so glad I wrote this post! Just the few people who have already responded, shows me how many people have suffered from something I previously knew nothing about.

      Thanks for sharing your situation, A.K. Yes, my doctor did say that if there is a hearing deficiency that is beginning to surface, a hearing aid of some sort would help with the tinnitus. I don’t notice any hearing changes, but it will be interesting to have my ear tested. Will keep you posted.

  40. You are so right Doreen that we need to listen to our bodies. Sometimes it’s just a whisper–like a little “buzzing”, and sometimes it’s more dramatic, but there are always signs, and we need to heed them. Whether it’s our bodies or our minds that get overwhelmed, we have to take that step back to assess what we need to change. You’re doing that, which is good.
    I’ve had tinnitus for many years. I suspect it might have been a side effect of some medication I took, but it’s hard to say. Our son has it a bit too, and so does my dad, so maybe there’s something genetic. I haven’t taken the time too much to research it because there doesn’t appear to be a cure–so I’ve just learned to live with it. Sometimes it’s “louder” than other times. Night is usually the worst, when the house is quiet, but even when the house gets quiet in the daytime, I can feel the “buzz.” Having a radio on the background helps. I find it easier to work, and much easier to sleep, if I have the radio on. “Chat radio” during the day, and quiet music help.
    Continue to listen to your mind and your body, and take care of yourself. Do the work that gives you pleasure. Follow your heart and you’ll never be led astray.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks so much for that, Christine.

      I never knew you had tinnitus! I’m amazed at how many people do seem to suffer from it.

      Yes, having quiet music or nature sounds in the background at night does seem to help. I used to put an earplug in, and then I realized the buzzing was coming from within! I sure hope I will find a solution soon. I doctor had asked me about the hereditary thing, but no one in my family had hearing issues to my knowledge.

  41. HI Doreen, I am so sorry that you are suffering. I have never had tinnitus but have heard about it. Let us know how it goes at the doctor’s.


  42. Geek Girl says:

    My husband suffers from this. I cannot imagine living with this everyday.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Wow, Cheryl! Yours and Sherryl’s husbands and several commenters here all suffer from tinnitus! I had no idea it was such a common ailment. How is your husband coping? Has he found a solution?

  1. June 13, 2013

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