5 tips to achieving big goals

It’s the beginning of the year and many of us look to setting goals for the year. But how do we go about achieving big goals? Sometimes the thought of longtime effort and commitment can be overwhelming.
here are 5 tips that I’ve found helpful in achieving big goals
- break really big goals into small achievable goals. When I’m working on a book, I focus on one chapter at a time. Otherwise, it can seem overwhelming. So, I recommend that you compartmentalize your big goals into achievable chunks.
- be realistic. When you’re setting your goals, be realistic on what you can probably achieve.
- stay focused. In this world of many distractions, it’s so easy to lose focus and become distracted by other things that are vying for your time. If you really want to achieve a big goal, you’ve got to remain committed to it and not let other things pull you in other directions.
- stay positive. When you’re trying to achieve a big goal, stay away from the Negative Nellies who will fill your mind with negative comments. They are the ones who see the cup as being half empty instead of being half full. The ones who will say, “How on earth do you think you can achieve that??” Spend your time with people who will encourage you and help you achieve your goals.
- ask for help. Which brings us to our last point. It’s very difficult to achieve large goals without a little help from our friends. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We all help one another from time to time. That’s what friends are for, and what being human is all about.

Which brings me to the reason for writing this post. I set a pretty big goal for myself, and it is only with the help of friends and family that I nearly achieved it. I didn’t reach number one, but my initial goal was to be in the Top 10 in the 2020 Top Travel Bloggers Award competition. I’ve reached 6th spot and am very pleased with that. So the moral of the story is don’t be afraid to ask for help. We can all get by with a little help from our friends. 😊
Yes I think that it is better to stick to the appetizer tray than indulging in the whole pizza. Moderation and persistence are two areas I will be working in 2020.
The house has voted for you. All the best!
Interesting interpretation, Pat! But you are so right. Taking small bites is a much better way to digest the challenges of a big goal as opposed to trying to wolf it in all in one sitting! 🙂
Uplifting post for the start of the year Doreen!
I agree that goals must be realistic otherwise you will lose focus. There should also be timelines so you can celebrate the small successes along the way.
Right on, Phoenicia. Reaching goals should be fun. But we do still have to hold ourselves accountable, or they will never get done.
Congrats on already hitting #6! Thanks for this post and a reminder that I don’t write in a vacuum. All I need to do is reach you and you–and other grand writer friends–will give me a boost. Thanks for that and here’s to 2020!
Hi RoseMary. Well, I’m still a bit shy of securing 6th place, but hopefully it will come by the 15th. Always happy to spread some positive energy your way when you need it. My cup runneth over. 🙂
All great tips but no 1 is my top as well. 2 more days! Good luck, I voted earlier
Yay! Thx, Evelyne, for your vote and enthusiasm. 🙂
Some good easy to follow advice. I need to keep reminding myself to remain positive as well as focussed. Good luck in achieving your 2020 goals.
Thanks so much, Mina. Great to see you back at Chocolatour. 🙂
Great tips! I definitely feel overwhelmed with big goals and need to remember to break them down into smaller parts as you suggest.
Thanks so much for your comment, Vicky. Yes, it’s really easy to become discouraged by big goals. They can seem so unachievable! But breaking them down really does seem to change the perspective. Good luck in achieving your 2020 goals. 🙂
You have inspired me to continue striving to reach goals I have determined for myself. I appreciate your positive view of life.
I love your blog which reminds us not to become discouraged because taken step by step we can achieve the goals that we dream of. I wish you every success at becoming the top Travel Blogger for 2020.
Thanks so much, Bev. Your friendship and words of support mean the world to me.
I need to break my goals into small steps and avoid those negative nellies.
I’ve realised that it’s almost impossible to achieve them with huge steps.
All the best with the competition. I’ve voted.
Thx so much for your comment, Bola, and for voting. It is definitely important to break our big goals down into smaller nuggets in order to make them achievable.