Author: Doreen Pendgracs


Writers conference in Montreal

I’ve attended many national conferences of the Professional Writers Association of Canada (PWAC) and always enjoy them. This post focuses on the 2011 conference in Montreal, Quebec. It was terrific! I’d like to thank the Montreal (Quebec)...


Loving London

I hadn’t been to London, England since May, 1996, so my long-anticipated return in 2011 trip was a real treat. I’d spent a week in ’96 there with my husband, Reg, on our first...


respect for writers

I’ve written about the importance of networking for writers previously on this blog, but having just attended my first annual conference of The Writers Union of Canada (TWUC), it is once again fresh on...


editors are midwives

I had the pleasure of attending the May 14th conference of the Manitoba Editors’ Association event in Winnipeg playfully titled, “Elementary, My Dear Writers: Demystifying the Publishing Process.”  It was a terrific symposium with...