the impact of colour in our lives
Vibrant colour has always been important to me, and played an important role in my life. You’ll never see me in pastels. I prefer the boldness of bright, vivid colours.
Colour fuels my creativity and feeds my emotions. Without colour, my brain and my life feel void of stimulation. I think that’s why I tend to hibernate during winter. I suffer from colour deprivation during the long bleak months of winter where it’s primarily white, with a bit of grey and pale evergreen green thrown in. But with each new day of spring, the greens get greener, and the perennials in the garden begin to bloom, bringing the vibrancy of colour back into our lives.
The colours of spring bring a spirit of rejuvenation, hope, and growth. They energize us to take on new tasks and meet the world with a renewed energy.
I really enjoyed reading “Colour Energy” by Inger Naess. Naess tells us the effect each colour of the spectrum generally has on us:
Red helps us express energy and be forceful. It helps us get noticed and strengthens us.
Orange motivates us, makes us happy, and helps us better connect with others.
Yellow is great for mental stimulation and to prevent depression.
Green gives us peace and balance and helps ease heartache.
Blue strengthens our analytical side and decreases hyperactivity.
Indigo stimulates our intuitive side and brings out the mystical/mysterious side of our being.
Violet strengthens our beliefs and is the colour of inspiration.
The book also contains a test in the back that helps you determine your primary colour. It’s no surprise to me that mine is orange, as when I was a young teen, I wanted my bedroom painted a bright orange and to this day, I still wear an abundance of orange and fuschia as they are colours that bring vibrancy to my life.
What’s your favourite colour? Do you find the descriptions above accurately describe how that colour makes you feel? Have you read “Colour Energy”? Let’s talk colour, and then please subscribe, so you don’t miss a thing!
As I read through your post, I found myself nodding in agreement and thinking about the environment I had created at home. Then Tim’s first comment sent me in a whole other direction, as India is my favorite country to visit and the first thing I always talk about is the color. Complicated subject, I often wonder if the poeple of India surround themselves with such beauty to take away from the hardship of so many lives. Anyway, my favorite color is green in any way, shape or form. Try as I might to calm down the colors in my life, I always come back and feel energized by the beauty of spectrum. Paint strips of color from the hardware store make great bookmarks!
alison recently posted…The Antarctic Book of Cooking and Cleaning
Thanks for joining the conversation, Alison. Yes, it’s interesting how colour impacts every aspect of our lives. When we’re at home, when we travel, what we wear–even the foods we like to eat! Colour definitely inspires and energizes every aspect of my world.
WizardOfWords recently posted…planning a virtual book tour
Hi Doreen; You asked me how blind people see or feel color. I should mention that I was born with perfect vision and lost it over the years. I remember colors at least the ones that were around then. we only had 64 colors in our crayola box after all. I understand that colors for people born blind is an abstract concept that is difficult to grasp. Never-the-less, there are those born blind who manage to attach emotions to colors. I do still dream in color occasionally even though my awake vision is down to just light perception. My favorite colors are purples like wine burgundy. I didn’t pick the names. 😀 and you know when I order clothes over the phone the hardest part is getting the sales person to accurately describe these new colors that Iv never seen or heard of before. and I know you didn’t ask, but just the other night on my hangout we had a discussion about whether or not blind people got motion sickness more or less easily than sighted people. I never mind answering questions. I figure its my opportunity to make things easier for sighted and blind alike by answering questions that people would wonder about otherwise. thanks for asking and keep the wonderful posts coming, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…Six steps to a safe bounce house party
Thanks so much for sharing your perspective, Max. I’m sure everyone is interested in how visually impaired folks deal with the absence or removal of colour in their lives. Very interesting about how there are now so many new colour shades that didn’t exist when you had your vision! I’m sure many of the young folks you speak to have difficulty understanding the concept that you can’t ‘envision’ that colour without some description of it.
WizardOfWords recently posted…planning a virtual book tour
Hi Doreen; just glad I can help. understanding all the new colors is a bit like speaking a foreign language or learning the jargon of a new profession sometimes. and of course colors are all about branding and trade marking these days too. after I posted that comment I got to thinking that my favorite colors had to do with colors I look good in or that I’ve been told I look good in. It got me thinking that the answer may change now that I weigh 250 instead of over 500. I mean there are certain colors you don’t even try in your wardrobe when you are fat or fluffy as some are calling it now. thanks for asking the question. and thanks to Lorraine over at wording well for breaking the ice by interviewing me. take care, max
maxwell ivey recently posted…Six steps to a safe bounce house party
Absolutely, Max. I think the way we look and feel in a colour, along with our general emotions at the time, help draw us to certain colours, and away from others. Thanks for joining the conversation.
WizardOfWords recently posted…planning a virtual book tour
Doreen, many years ago as part of a writing group exercise we were asked to randomly select a paint chip from a pile, then use the name of the colour on the chip as our pseudonym. I was “Blazen Pink” for the evening. What a blast! Amazing how much my writing changed. Even to this day, when I want to punch up my writing and make it bolder or, hmm, racier, I just have to remind myself that I’m Blazen Pink…It works! 🙂
Very cool, Shelley! Thx for sharing that.
WizardOfWords recently posted…how to deliver an award-winning speech
Hi, Doreen.
I’m so glad you asked me to stop by your blog. Here I am! My favorite color used to be blue, but since I started writing I’ve become extremely fond of red. I’m not sure what that means, but maybe the book will have an explanation.
See you again. Lee
Thanks for stopping by the blog, Lee. Welcome aboard!
Yes, it’s interesting how our colour preferences may change over the years, and according to circumstances. I’m looking forward to gaining greater insight thru Susanne’s class.
WizardOfWords recently posted…the impact of colour in our lives
Thanks Doreen for sharing info about colour to your readers!
And for anyone interested in colour, I will be teaching a 3-hour workshop at Radiance Books on July 15th. To view the seminar outline go to: I’m only in Winnipeg once every year or so… and I am considered one of the world experts in the field of colour, the chakra system & the human aura field (next to Inger Naess herself).
In the workshop you’ll learn how to analyze the colours of your aura to learn more about “hue” you are!
Thanks so much for joining the discussion, Susanne, and for sharing info about your workshop. I would love to attend! Hopefully, I’ll make it there, and we will meet in Winnipeg on July 15th. I’m very interested in learning more about the colours of my aura. I was once told it was silver and gold. Do the colours of our aura change according to our moods or situation, or are they constant? Looking forward to learning more from you. Thanks again for dropping by the blog.
WizardOfWords recently posted…the impact of colour in our lives
Yes, the colours of your aura change… but there are also aspects of your aura that do not change. These can be deep seated blockages, past karmas, etc. Also, the parts of you that define your personality are constant in your aura. Inger’s book defines the colours of your personality, breaking it down so that you can understand how you think, emote, believe, behave, etc. according to your colours and how you use your chakra system. This is what I’ll be teaching in the class! 🙂
Thanks for the clarification, Susanne! I shall have to take another look at Inger’s book. It’s been a long while since I read it. But I do refer to it occasionally, as we had a meeting last week about colour and the book immediately came to mind. It’s such a fascinating field you are in!
WizardOfWords recently posted…how to deliver an award-winning speech
Thanks for beginning this discussion Doreen. It is very timely for me as our writing prompt from our last Writer’s guild meeting (May) was to share a piece on your favourite colour. For me this has changed over time. When I was young red was my favourite colour perhaps because it denoted an excitement and sense of drama lacking in my childhood life. Now I love the shades of green especially at this season of year and later when the darker green of the pine and spruce in our area of the world are in contrast to the green grass. Blue too as I marvel at its shades and how the sky blue blends so well with the azure of the lakes around here.
Hi Harry, and thanks for joining the discussion. Yes, I think our preference for a colour may change over time, and or with the seasons. I’m finding that I have such a longing to live by the sea that I have been bringing bits of that existence into my reality by now living by a large lake (they call Lake Winnipeg an Inland Ocean) and by buying home accessories that are in shades of the sea (greens and blues). Cheers!
WizardOfWords recently posted…how to deliver an award-winning speech
Hello Doreen, Is it true that staying in the midst of colors improves the positive energies?
Tuhin recently posted…Ways to end sibling rivalry
I’m no expert, Tuhin, but I would definitely think that immersing ourselves in bright colours is bound to boost our spirits. If you’re wearing grey, your mood is more likely to be subdued and lacking vitality compared to if you’re wearing red or orange. Cheers!
Doreen Pendgracs recently posted…growing cacao in Hawaii
Yes Doreen, it’s wonderful with all the colour that surround us at the moment isn’t it. Love it because now the grey winter is gone and green, red, yellow and blue frame us in a wonderful way.
Catarina recently posted…Tough times never last – But tough people do
My favorite color is turquoise. My Mother was jewelry dealer and I remember always having fabulous turquoise jewelry. Now, I wear alot of the same jewelry and color. I am glad it is warming up for you. I live in Tempe, Arizona and it is getting hot here now!
Thanks for your comment, Crystal, and welcome to the blog!
I love turquoise, too. Such a liberating colour.
WizardOfWords recently posted…the impact of colour in our lives
I found these descriptions to be completely accurate, where my tastes are concerned! Color has always played such an important part of planning my space.I work from home…it’s important! My favorite room of all time was my red kitchen! Not bright red, but barn red with a brown glaze. Everybody loved that kitchen…and consumed mass quantities of food there 🙂 Wonderful post
Jacqueline Gum (Jacquie) recently posted…Happy Mother’s Day… Where’s The Justice?
Hi Jacquie and thanks for your comment.
I can imagine that folks would eat more in a red kitchen, as the colour red gets you fired up. According to the principles of feng shui, blues and greens are preferred colours for kitchens when the inhabitants want a calm ambiance, and where people might be watching their weight as it is said you will consume less when calm and relaxed.
WizardOfWords recently posted…the impact of colour in our lives
I”m a blue girl through and through. Good thing, since I wore a blue uniform for 32 years! I never tired of it…only of the knuckleheads I had to work for. My friends usually complain that I’m hyperactive…maybe that’s just a relative thing, though.
A dear friend, however, shares your passion for orange. I must say, she is a very passionate person, leading me to think of orange as a passionate color, as well as a color of happiness and connectivity.
Linda recently posted…Sassy little ass!
Thanks for your comment, Linda. Yes, I definitely think that orange is a colour of passion, and they do talk about its sexual connection either in the book or on the Colour Energy site. Good observation!
WizardOfWords recently posted…how to deliver an award-winning speech
Doreen, this was interesting and explains why, when I’m upset, a walk around the garden in Spring and Summer calms me right down. It’s checking out the different shades of green that always impresses me when I do that. I really enjoyed this post.
Lenie recently posted…Five Ways To Avoid Washer Problems
Thanks so much, Lenie. Glad you enjoyed the post.
Yes, I’m fascinated by colour. It has and always will play an important role in my life and mood management.
WizardOfWords recently posted…how to deliver an award-winning speech
Another different perspective. You certainly offer something for many tastes!
Chris recently posted…United in our destination
Thanks, Chris! I know you are familiar with my travel blog, but it’s nice to see you over here on the writer’s lifestyle blog. We have a tremendously active community here of great thinkers. Welcome aboard! 🙂
WizardOfWords recently posted…how to deliver an award-winning speech
I chose red as the primary color for my blog for the reasons you mention — it has a lot of impact and helps you to get noticed. I’m in the marketing/communications business so I’m practicing what I preach!
Jeannette Paladino recently posted…A Fuzzy Personal Brand Didnât Help Jill Abramson Duck the Axe
Right on, Jeannette! Why am I not surprised? You’re always on top of trends and tactics. Well done. Your blog is one of my favourites for a pleasant and intelligent time. Cheers, and thanks for chiming in.
WizardOfWords recently posted…how to deliver an award-winning speech
Colours have a huge impact on our feelings, it is scientifically proven. When I’m not in the mood for example, There’s no chance I would like to wear bright colours. So colours themselves are a way to express our feelings 🙂
I agree with you, Ilaria. When I’m feeling down or don’t want to be bothered/interrupted, I tend to wear grey, black, navy and other dark shades. Thanks for your comment.
Doreen Pendgracs recently posted…growing cacao in Hawaii
Colour makes all the difference in the world. It defines and describes us and things around us. Colour is so culturally loaded that it can mean mourning in one country and celebration in another. I am amazed when people choose colours without much thought and totally get it when you say you can suffer from colour deprivation. I would be hard pressed to pick a favourite colour since it depends on my mood. 🙂
Debra Yearwood recently posted…Problem Solving 101 – How to Solve Problems
Great to hear from you, Debra! You always bring special insight into the conversation.
You make an important point in how colours can mean different things in different countries and cultures.
I’ve been in touch with the author of Colour Energy and will ask her if she researched that aspect of the impact of colour.
WizardOfWords recently posted…how to deliver an award-winning speech
Purple used to be my favorite color, but now I find I quite like orange too. There aren’t really any colors I really don’t like since context always plays a role. When I first moved into my house a decade ago, I painted each room a different color. I even painted the insides of the closets, shelves, and the decorative indent on the door panels. When we moved out for two years, I had to paint all of that what again… needless to say now that we’re back in the same house for a couple of more years, I’ve gone with accent walls this time and actually hired someone to paint the living room since it has high ceilings.
Jeri recently posted…#AuthorInterview: Monica Bruno
Wow, Jeri! You really like your colours! We had quite a bit of wallpaper in our first house. Then a modest amount in our second house. And we have none in our current house. Most of the wall are painted a very pale blue. I like it because it’s peaceful and matches the ambiance of living at the lake.
WizardOfWords recently posted…how to deliver an award-winning speech
I’m drawn to indigo. I’m not convinced the description here is how it makes me feel, but there may be something to it. It feels freeing to me. Colour in a room certainly affects my mood. I feel lively and energetic when I wear red.
Donna Janke recently posted…Declutter Your Story
Thanks for sharing, Donna. It’s interesting how the colour Indigo makes you feel free. I suppose it has something to do with releasing your creativity, as we can’t feel creative when we don’t feel free.
WizardOfWords recently posted…the impact of colour in our lives
I’m quite fond of blue and yellow, as one can tell as soon as they enter my home. I find both of those colors very soothing, and peaceful and cheery.
Susan Cooper recently posted…Marinated Cucumber Salad: #Recipe
Hi Susan: Interesting how you and Paul prefer colour combos. Yes, blue and yellow do go well together don’t they? I have my writer’s loft and accompanying bathroom in blues and greens and adore that colour combo as it makes me feel like I’m by the sea. It produces a calming yet invigorating effect in me, just as the sea does.
WizardOfWords recently posted…the impact of colour in our lives
Colors are the best! They have such an influence on our lives, and I know from living in grey old England in the winter , there’s nothing like the fresh green new leaves and crocuses & daffs, all poking through. Yellow is my favorite color.
A.K.Andrew recently posted…Kickstart Your #Flash Fiction With #PhotoFlash
Hi AK: Yes, I think that’s the only way folks in rainy climates can tolerate all that wet. It brings all the bright the beautiful flowers, and then all is well with the world.
WizardOfWords recently posted…how to deliver an award-winning speech
Hi Doreen. There is no doubt that colour has a great impact on our feelings. I relate more to combinations of colour than to individual favorites and try to ensure there is generally a large proportion of whitespace in my field of vision in order to refocus frequently
Paul Graham recently posted…The Friday 13 Living Large
That is exactly why I love India. Color; especially the contrast and vividness of color. I would love to read the book as I would like to know how I do on the color test. The colors I gravitate to are green, blue, and red. Nice post, everyone has to have a little color in their lives.
Tim recently posted…More than a Dry Spell
Thanks for starting the discussion, Tim. Yes, I neglected to get into the aspect of travel, but you are so right. the colours we see when we travel help make the imagery more vibrant – in our photos and in our minds and hearts.
I’ve not been to India yet, but for me, the countries that are most vibrant with bold colours are Mexico and Peru. Perhaps that is why I love both countries so much.
WizardOfWords recently posted…how to deliver an award-winning speech
You’re right Doreen; South America is another place that packs a color punch.
Tim recently posted…More than a Dry Spell