winter getaways bring colour to your life
I’ve just returned from a six-week winter getaway and have come to the realization that it’s not the cold that I dislike about winter as much as the lack of colour. White is not a colour, and from November through March, pretty much all I see out my windows in Manitoba, Canada, is the white of snow. We get five months of winter. Sometimes, that stretches to six months where there is snow on the ground and pretty much everywhere else you look. So winter getaways have become a way of keeping my sanity through the long cold months of winter.

This is what I see when I look out the window. Yes, that is my patio furniture buried in snow! It’s definitely time for a winter getaway.
winter getaways help you keep your sanity
Heading off to another climate (be it tropical, semi-tropical, or just temperate and warmer than here) helps me get through those winter months–whether I’m gone for a week or a couple of months–as being where I can be surrounded by rich or vibrant colour helps rejuvenate my spirit as I persevere through winter.

I love this photo because it represents two distinct things to me. The bright colours of the flowers and foliage, and also the fact that there is abundant wildlife in climates where everything doesn’t die or leave when winter comes. Thank goodness for the chickadees that remain in Manitoba during the winter, as their happy chirping helps see me through. But I did enjoy seeing the abundant iguanas in Mexico!
Several destinations come to mind when I think of bright colours. Mexico is top of mind right now, as I had the privilege and pleasure of spending a month in Mexico during 2015. Everywhere you look, you see bright colours–in the buildings, the colour of the clothing, the wildlife, and the beautiful flowers. Mexico offers a variety of experiences for a winter getaway.

This is the Xocolatl Chocolate Shop in Lima, Peru. The colours here exemplify the bright colours you will see everywhere throughout Peru.
Peru is another country that tantalizes your mind and spirit with its vibrant colours. I can’t help think of bright colours when I think of Peru.
And of course, most of us think about beach destinations when we think about winter getaways. Cuba is one of my favourites, for the colourful people, their vibrant music, and the stunning beauty of the natural surroundings–whether you’re at the beach, or in the cities.

Beach wedding anyone! Cuba is host to numerous beach weddings every week. Beautiful memories, beautiful setting. What’s not to like?
Do you have a favourite place for your winter getaways? If you’re looking to try something new and find a new favourite, try this site for some ideas, and some great winter getaway deals.
For sure color is life! I love living in Brazil. It is a colourful country, from south to north. I have been living in Rio de Janeiro for the last 10 years and it is really a wonderfull city. I recommend you to come to visit our country if you have a chance. We have so many different landscapes from south to north, than you could come several times to visit each region. For sure you will enjoy it.
Thank you for your comment, Julia, and welcome to my blog. I believe it is your first visit. It’s funny you should write me today, as today, I was eating a British chocolate bar made from Brazilian cocoa beans. I would like to visit Brazil and research cacao and chocolate.
I think I’m one of the few people that loves being surrounded by snow during winter. But I do love visiting tropical destinations. I actually just came back from the Philippines and loved the beaches there!
Hi Janna and thanks for your comment. I’ve never been to the Philippines but would like to go, as I’ve certainly heard great things about it.
You are SO right about the white, Doreen! Another thing about winter is how long it takes to get dressed to go outside. Gee! I could be to my destination already if I lived in one of those vibrantly colored areas that you showed!
Cuba…I’ve long had Canadian friends who vacation in Cuba…as an American, I’m STILL wrapping my head around that!
Hi Rose and thx for your comment. Cuba is a terrific destination. You would see why, once you visit. Here’s hoping to a prompt end to winter!
Peru is on my list, too. I can’t wait to get there someday. I love escaping winter, that’s for sure!
I don’t live where there is winter, so we often head to somewhere with snow! You always want what you haven’t got!
Its nice to know that you have recommended two of my upcoming destinations. This truly is a good read.
I love all of those places for a winter getaway. Big fan of Peru and Cuba…but right now I am so into this little Colombian Island called ‘San Andres’ check it out. so perfect!!
I’m a winter lover. The cold, the snow, the clothes, the places… I just love it! I live in Lisbon, Portugal, so I’m not used to see snow. I always become like a little child as soon as I see it. You should come to Lisbon on your next winter getaway!
Hello, Marta and welcome to the blog.
I would indeed love to visit Portugal. It has been on my list for awhile now, but an opportunity has not yet arisen.
Colour does revive a dark winter. But I must say, I do like winter destinations. When you are high up in the mountains, snow all around and mostly the sun will come out, the scenery looks amazing. I do mind those dark winters when it’s raining all the time and in those cases I really love to see colours 🙂
I am certainly in dire need of some heat and sun. Now in the sweet shop… were those filled eggs? Like Kinder eggs?
Hi Jennifer and thanks for your comment. I honestly don’t think they were like Kinder eggs. There were handmade by the Peruvian chocolatier I was visiting. I’m not sure if the eggs had some sort of creme in them, or were solid chocolate. But they certainly were colourful and beautiful!
Having lived all my life in the Philippines, I’ve been a great fan of bursting tropical colors. But I must admit that seeing a place covered in snow just looks Narnia wonderment to me!
Hello Anne. Yes, I can see how you might find a snowy landscape to be full of wonderment, coming from an environment that is so opposite to that. But I can assure you that once your fingers and toes are frozen from the cold, and the skin on your face becomes numb from the windchill blasting at you, you will wish you were back in the tropics!
It’s so true that getting away from winter gives us energy and recharges our batteries. Grey and dull January with snow, wind and rain is not exactly positive and invigorating. Great pictures that make me want to get away.
Thanks, Catarina. I know there are people who love winter, but I’m sure not one of them!
Coming from a tropical country, winter excites me. As I start my new life in a country with snow, looks like I can harldy bear it. Haha. In any way, I just hike in a nearby town and I enjoyed going down when snow (ice) just lead my way.
Hi Jessica and welcome to the blog! Is this your first visit? Yes, we have a lot of new comers (immigrants and refugees) in Manitoba who have come from hot countries and I often wonder how they manage to get thru a Manitoba winter! We certainly have been having milder winters due to climate change, but we still get occasional days of -30C and even colder!
Hi Doreen, I like that picture of your patio furniture. I never would have guessed that was what was underneath all that snow and ice. Yes, that would get kind of depressing to loom at through a long winter, I remember. Luckily now that I’m in sunny California I no longer deal with that, but I can definitely see why you’d want to get away to somewhere tropical and colorful.
Hi Susan. I hope to be like you one day, and only have memories of winter and snow. Cheers to our next meeting! 🙂
My winter getaway is the great white north: the silence of the forest; the squeaky crunch of footsteps on snow; the growling grind of skates on ice; clean, clear air; the exhilaration of whooshing down hills; then the indescribable warmth of red wine by a crackling fire. Coincidentally, I was skiing with a Mexican this weekend who says he likes the climate here better than at home! So different strokes I guess…
Absolutely, Virginia! I know you love winter and I adore you for your adaptability. I’ve never been a fan of winter, and have wondered all my life how I ended up on the Prairies!
But Prairie people are the best people, so there must be something to this winter thing you have. Maybe love/hate, but more love than hate. I think a proper winter plays a part.
Lovely reminder to look for the color during winter months. Living in Vancouver, we are having our rainy season. There is no snow this year to speak of, except up on the mountains. Some people call these “grey days” but I call them Platinum and Silver! 😉
Hi Esther: It is great that you can find sun on a cloudy day. I’ve now seen quite a difference in the weather from Vancouver to Vancouver Island. I’ve seen really heavy rain in Vancouver on numerous occasions, but mostly just drizzle on the island. I really think I could live there.
I agree, and count myself lucky to be able to enjoy tropical colours during the winter . Mexico is a fabulous destination for this, and we have also enjoyed the brilliant flowers in Viet Nam.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Laurel. I’ve not yet been to Vietnam, but will definitely be going there for volume III of Chocolatour as they are growing some great cacao and creating some excellent chocolate from those beans.
Hi Doreen, nice to read your post. Rick and I spent 17 wonderful days in St. Maartens in a beautiful 1 bedroom apartment in December, overlooking the ocean. We snorkelled outside of our resort every day and did lots of scuba diving. We just left the Hard Rock hotel in the Mayan Riviera where we spent 2 weeks. The weather was not always great – rainy and windy but we made the best of it doing 11 scuba dives and many excursions. We just arrived yesterday to Caye Caulker in Belize – so far it is a very quiet, peaceful place where I am ready for some R&R (just need to slow Rick down, ha, ha). After 12 days here we move to another island called Ambergris for 1 week and finally 1 week in Cancun. I enjoy the snow for cross country skiing and like to skate but getting away for part of the winter is great. We are truly blessed. Missing my grandchildren, friend and Toastmaster friends.
Hi Dianne and thanks for your comment. You are indeed fortunate to be spending so much time in the tropics! I was in Ambergris quite some years ago and loved it. Best snorkelling I’ve ever done. And yes, have enjoyed the Mayan Riviera and St. Maartens as well. All equally colourful places. Enjoy!
Cool. Question – did you snorkel right from the beach or did you take a snorkelling trip to the reef. The snorkelling around Caye Caulker is terrible.
We took a boat out to the reef to snorkel, Dianne. I’m quite certain that the coral reef of Belize is said to have the second best snorkelling in the world. It certainly was awesome on my trip there. Good luck!
We travel to different places. In winter we like Sedona AZ, Las Vegas too. We do travel worldwide however lately (at least since our last April trip to Tuscany) we’re staying closer to home.
Winter is cold and dreary (the white) however I also find it allows me to be more contemplative. It’s beary nice for someone more introverted.
Hi Pat and thanks for your comment. Yes, I have another friend who is also introverted and loves the white of the frozen lake as she says it opens her mind to infiniteness. She is a very creative spirit and seems to be fuelled by the lack of colour!
And yes, I, too, love Sedona, and Vegas. But I am drawn to coastal destinations or more specifically islands, where I’m surrounded by the sea. Cheers!
You’re so right. At this point I’d take anywhere warmer. Last year I was in St. Lucia. I have enjoyed Caribbean cruises in the winter. This is the first winter in a long time where I haven’t been to a warmer climate and I’m really feeling it. Thanks for posting those lovely pictures so I can remember what it will be like again in a few months.
Hi Suzanne and thanks for your comment. Yes, it’s difficult when you have a winter that you don’t get away. Those little getaways are what gets me thru the winter! But we’re now into the final stretch so to speak, as Feb is just around the corner. Cheers!
I absolutely get it. We just got back from Puerto Vallarta with those beautiful blues and greens of the ocean. The pinks, oranges and reds of the flowers such as the birds of paradise, mexican honeysuckle and cosmos. The culture enhances it all with wonderful food, drinks, music and people. Hard to beat that combo. Ole!
Right on, Janet! Mexico is certainly a leader when it comes to being a colourful country–in every way! Wish I was back in PV right now. It’s such a great destination.
Oh, Linda. You have brought back some very delicious memories in that post! How I LOVE Maui! It would take a very special place to trump Maui on my list of favourites! Thx for stopping by and starting the conversation on beloved winter getaways.
I have fond memories of the trips to Maui. Quiet mornings walking on the Kamaole beaches; daily swims in the rejuvenating ocean; and in the right season, watching the whales breach out front, just off the little snorkeling reef. Days on end of perfect weather and colourful surroundings. On 3 occasions we met friends there. One of which was you, with the enthusiastic Reg..
Hi Doreen,
Yes, I love to get away in the cold winter months in Manitoba. Mexico is great, but you have given me some other destination idea in your article. Thanks.