changing priorities

I think that sometimes we have to reassess our priorities as life or work circumstances change, and we must be sure to change with them.

As I wrote in the last post, I’m having trouble keeping up with the schedule I’d set for myself regarding posts for my writer’s blog and chocolate travel blogs. I have now been managing three blog sites, my book is out and I’m into promotional mode (we’ve had 2 launches so far, and I’m now in the process of sending books out to all the supporters of my crowdfunding campaign.) I could never have published this book if it wasn’t for the 115 of you who contributed the $8,000 to cover the printing, design, and editorial costs. I’m filled with gratitude and still in awe that we managed to produce such an amazing book.


Cover of “Chocolatour: A Quest for the World’s Best Chocolate.”

I was pleased to be invited to be interviewed on the CBC Morning Show on Friday, July 26th and will post the audio link to the interview as soon as I receive it. Publicity is so important in spreading the word beyond my immediate world. So if you know a chocolate lover who loves to travel, please send them here where the e-book and print version of the book can be ordered.



And yes, being the mom of a new kitten has taken a good portion of my time as well. A new book baby and a new kitten arriving all in the same month! Both equally important to the essence of my being. Thanks so much to all of you for your support and encouragement.


Doreen Pendgracs

Known throughout the Web as the "Wizard of Words", I've been a freelance writer since 1993. I researched and wrote Volume I of Chocolatour that won a Readers' favourite Award in 2014. Always enjoy experiencing new destinations and flavours.

17 Responses

  1. Dan says:

    First of all, congratulations for the interview, I am sure it was amazing. Second of all, I absolutely love the kitten. Cats are one of my favorite animals, especially when they are small kitens. Thanks for sharing this with us. Keep up the good work!

  2. Aayna says:

    Congratulations on your success, interview and a book! Have a good time with your kitten. Thanks.

  3. Jeri says:

    A big congrats on interview! Priorities do indeed shift. Out of curiosity when can I expect to receive the eBook version of Chocolatour based on the contribution I made to the the fundraising campaign?
    Jeri recently posted…Author Interview: Michael CairnsMy Profile

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks, Jeri.

      I’m just in the process of getting all the print and e-books out this week. I’ll be sending your this evening. Thanks so much for your ongoing support.

      I’ll be looking for your thoughts on the book once you’ve had a chance to read it.

  4. Lee says:

    Hi Doreen
    First of all congrats on the interview.
    About changing priorities. We all have to come to that sorosis roads more than once during our working lives. To me the biggie is knowing when to put our health first and not our endless want for wealth you can always gain wealth but you only get one shot with your health.lee
    Lee recently posted…Womens Sweat SuitsMy Profile

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks for your comment, Lee. Nice to have you back!

      Yes, our health and happiness must come first. Work has never been a top priority for me, but I’ve found that birthing this book has really had an impact on my life. Self-publishing is so much more meaningful than letting someone else make decisions for you. That feels more like being a spectator in your own movie of life rather than the orchestrator. Cheers!

  5. Congratulation on the interview. How exciting it must be. And I hope you have fun moments with your new kitten. They grow fast but will still want to play.

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks for the comment, Glynis. You’re so right! Kittens do grow up so fast! Jimmy is just 15 weeks old, but is already the size of a young cat. I’m glad I’m taking the time to play and enjoy this stage of his life. Yes, our work as writers is important, but sometimes a break away from it is just what we need to take it up a notch.
      WizardOfWords recently posted…changing prioritiesMy Profile

  6. It really is a lot to take on but I know you are up to the task and will be wildly successful. That is awesome news about your interview on CBC. You rock girl. I do love your new fur kid. He is just the cutest thing ever.
    Susan Cooper recently posted…Survey Results: Finding Our Way NowMy Profile

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks, Susan. It’s nice to know my friends have confidence in my abilities. Here’s hoping … 🙂

  7. satinka says:

    Congratulations on the successful printing of your book, Doreen! I have now read it from cover to cover and it is an awesome read! I learned so much about chocolate and I’m eating much more of it now! I am trying to eat the stuff without Soy Lecithin, though, as Soy is all GMO.

    I’m conscientiously eating healthy and gluten-free! However, there is the additional issue of eating Organic. Good for chocolate — not good for bread at $8 a loaf, of GMO grains.:(

    I’m holding a vision for our planet, to eliminate GMO (50 countries on board so far). Let’s get back to the basic organic eating we all so deserve. 🙂
    satinka recently posted…Introduction to Phoenix of FaithMy Profile

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Hi Esther: Yes, eating organic certainly does make sense. I paid $8.50 for a loaf of hazelnut fig bread yesterday at the Petersfield Farmers’ Market. Definitely worth the price. Eating healthy costs more, as does eating artisanal chocolate. But it’s SO worthwhile. Thx for your kind words about the book.

  8. Congratulations on your CBC Morning Show interview Doreen! Jimmy is a lucky kitty. (It sounds like you could use a little time to take a deep breath and relax. Summertime is always a great time to do that.)
    Sherryl Perry recently posted…Friday Finds: LinkedIn Profiles, Google Spam Updates and Google CommentingMy Profile

    • WizardOfWords says:

      Thanks, Sherryl. Yes, I really do plan to take the rest of the summer off to enjoy. I’ll be filling book orders and doing one more event in August, but other than that … I am indeed trying to catch my breath and rejuvenate for an anticipated busy fall. 🙂
      WizardOfWords recently posted…changing prioritiesMy Profile

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