Celebrating six years of Nuit Blanche Gimli
I’ve been fortunate to have served as tour guide for the past six years–since the very first Nuit Blanche Gimli was held in Gimli, Manitoba, in 2014. But Nuit Blanche has been celebrated throughout...
I’ve been fortunate to have served as tour guide for the past six years–since the very first Nuit Blanche Gimli was held in Gimli, Manitoba, in 2014. But Nuit Blanche has been celebrated throughout...
In recent posts, I’ve shared with you about the amazing writers’ events I’ve attended in Calgary and the great chocolate I’ve found in this dynamic Canadian city. In this week’s post, I’d like to...
We have close friends who live in North Vancouver, so I’ve had the pleasure of visiting the North Shore region many times–discovering several chocolatiers and other taste temptations while exploring the scenic waterfront. For...
Celebrating Manitoba Day on May 12th always gives me a great opportunity to celebrate the growth and diversity of Manitoba-made chocolate. In this post, I’d like to welcome the newest contributor to the Manitoba...
Readers of this blog will know that I am not a huge fan of winter. Our winters can be as cold as 30 degrees below zero Celsius (and colder!) and the snow can be...
Ringing in the New Year brought back sweet memories of my trip to Ottawa, Canada, when I had the opportunity to enjoy the amazing Afternoon Tea in Zoe’s Lounge at the Chateau Laurier. I...
I haven’t lived in Winnipeg since 1982 (I spent 25 years living on an acreage by Birds Hill Provincial Park and have lived in Matlock, a small lakeside community one hour north of Winnipeg...
I have a glow of gratitude in my heart. Keeping the gratitude front and centre, in this week’s post, I express gratitude for the wonderful place that I live and the creative, kind, and...
In a recent post, I shared the literary highlight of my recent visit to Calgary, Alberta. In celebration of World Cocoa and Chocolate Day on October 1st, I’d like to share with you why...