Chocolatour with Doreen Pendgracs | Chocolate Adventurist and Wizard of Words Blog

Chocolate subscription box from Kekao Chocolate Purveyors of Windsor, Ontario, Canada 52

chocolate subscription services to explore

Welcome to our newest subscribers! It’s great having you join our chocolate loving community. I hope you’ll actively join the conversation on this post, and any of the previous ones as I’d love to...


my 10 catalysts of gratitude

Tough and stressful times make us step back and take stock of the goodness in our lives. So this week, in the spirit of World Gratitude Day on September 21st, I’m recirculating this post...

Manoa dark milk chocolate bar made in Hawaii 77

Celebrating Milk Chocolate

July 28 is Milk Chocolate Day! We chocolate lovers are so fortunate! The quality and variety of chocolate available to us is continually expanding by leaps and bounds. And as well, the types of...